Plagiarism Tester

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Plagiarism Tester

This document is a sample essay a student might submit, and will contain some original stuff and some stuff copied from various sources – the internet, another student’s work, of with a different style (?).

When a student submits something, he might want to use an Internet source. Say he is writing an assignment on John Lennon. First of all he writes a bit of an introduction, using his own words. Then he finds something written by his tutor, and includes that as his own material, embedding the words ‘on some of the influences of earlier life experiences on the song writing of Lennon and Cobain’. (1)

Then, because he was stupid, he added a full paragraph of his tutor’s work:

Brett highlighted a number of commonalities in life experiences of the two song writers, notably parental separations in early life; and showed how Cobain drew on Lennon’s work to develop his own opus. Brett even persuaded us that there were hints in Cobain’s grunge of Lennon’s screams! (Actual vocal, and psychological, screams.) And, said Brett, “Cobain was to Generation X what Lennon was to the Baby Boomers.” Each was “the voice of his generation.”
(From Research Presentations Report) (2)

Next, our chump wrote a very good analysis of his own personal favourite Lennon song, Hey Jude, and how it …show more content…

And yet, to say that there’s something shameful in liking Lennon’s music is also profoundly reductivevery, very reducing. Just because Lennon did some reprehensiblewrong, misogynist, even abusive things in his life doesn’t render “Imagine” (or my personal favorite Lennon songs, “Across the Universe” and “Oh Yoko!”) invalid as works of

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