Academic Misconduct Essay

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Students are advised to avoid academic misconduct in universities and other educational institutions. Misconduct can be defined as when an employee or student conduct wrongful behaviour that may put into motion some disciplinary action or codes of the institution. An example of this would be the use of fighting in the office or involving in exam malpractice. Therefore, academic misconduct is any unacceptable action or behaviour a student does which could result in an unauthorized academic advantage for himself or disadvantage for another student in an assessment or examination. An example of this is plagiarism and collusion during class works or reports. This essay would be looking at the reasons why academic misconduct is unacceptable in educational institutions which includes; it undermines the academic integrity of the institution, corrupts the mission of educational institutions worldwide, academic misconduct is unfair to the honest students, it denies students the opportunity to learn and practice skills which would help them in their future career, and it contributes to a society where education is seen as a temporary acquisition of facts.
Firstly, the integrity of the academic institution is affected by academic misconduct. Integrity is defined as the state of being truthful or …show more content…

A student who involved in academic misconduct obtains through dishonesty, what honest student work very hard for. This means that what an honest student gets through his hard work and research for assessments, a dishonest student would only be looking at the how he or she can benefit of another writer or student who have already done the work before. Thus by committing such an act he either conduct some of the various forms of academic misconduct an example of the forms would be plagiarising another work or being involved in

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