Pixe Fox Research Paper

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Have you ever wanted to look like someone your not? Don’t worry most people often desire an appearance they don’t possess. But today I'm not talking about thicker hair or a slimmer body, or even a stronger figure, istead extreme plastic surgery.

To be considered extreme, the plastic surgery must reach the utmost ridiculous body modification. When I undertook my research there was only one reoccuring name, which was, Pixee Fox.

Pixee Fox is taking plastic surgery to the next level. She can no longer undertake normal life activities or return to her original body.

Pixee Fox claims she was never meant to have a normal life. She was made to push limits and do something no one else has done. But how far is too far. Pixee overall has had 19 surgeries costing a whooping $158,000. A minority of her costs have been fan funded through social media. Her latest, most major and controversial surgery, was her decision to remove 6 of her lower ribs. …show more content…

She also wanted to sculpt her body, defining all of her curves just like the many cartoon characters she idolises. This decision has changed her life forever.

Pixee’s lower organs, such as the liver are no longer protected. She is forced to wear a corset 24/7 to support her back and protect her lower organs. In fact, she can no longer eat any substantial foods such as bread or meat, without it being blended into a smoothie, due to the physical discomfort of digestion.

She is also not physically healthy. In the long term, her back is going to suffer. The weight of her breasts is going to affect her posture and the functions of the

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