Pitbulls Research Paper

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Do you want a pitbull as a pet? Do you love pitbulls? But after all of these stories and saying you, you might change your mind. Pitbull shouldn't be kept as a pet because they attack their own owner, and they attack strangers. They also they are viciousness.

First, I am against pit bulls be a pet.
Cause “ in recent months this newspaper reported that a young girl in Ironton was muted by the family’s pit bull.” Why would you get a pet that can attack you kids.I got this info from Pit bulls do not make good family pets. In paragraph 6.

Second, “in 2005, a 2 year old Huntington girl was violently and fatally attacked by the same breed of dog.” Some people say they are good dog for children but actually they are not. I got this from. Pit

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