Piscine Patel's Peephole For Life

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Piscine Patel peephole is his small existence on the lifeboat, while he is going through his ordeal fending for his life the world around him is still going on without him, the world is not stopping for his problems. When Pi says "how can I not dwell on this brief, cramped view I have of things," I believe he is saying that even though his situation, or "peephole" is small to the world(in the grand scheme of things), he can't help but focus on it because it consumes his whole life at that point in time. Corresponding to my peephole Pi fending for survival is similar in the that I am fending for my heart. Even though I have this problem that is big to me the world around me keeps moving forward, no matter how far I feel I am being pulled back,

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