Pinning Ceremony

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Pinning Ceremony Student information 1. Name: Virginia “Ginger” Neal 2. Where do you live? Winnsboro, La 3. Where did you get your OTA degree? Name of college and city where it is located. NLU, Monroe, La 4. How many years have you practiced as a COTA? 21 years 5. Where do you practice as a COTA (name of facility and type of setting)? Mary Anna Nursing Home, Skilled Nursing Facility 6. What is your bachelor’s degree in and from where (Name of college and city of location)? Health Studies Management/Marketing, ULM, Monroe, LA 7. Where will you be practicing as an OT? If you have a job, tell us that. If you don’t, tell us your plans/goals for employment. Mary Anna Nursing Home 8. What are your professional goals after OT school? I

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