Pillow D Upon My Fair Love's Breast, By John Keats

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1. At the start of this class, the only real knowledge of poetry that I have is from English Comp. 1 and 2. With that in mind, there has been a seven year gap from taking English Comp 1 and I just took English Comp 2 last semester. I have never been a heavy reader of any type of literature, mostly due to time restraints. However, when I have read in the past, it can be very relaxing and calming. 2. "Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art" by John Keats was my favorite poem. "Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast" (Keats 10) was the line that caught my attention the most. It was direct and the picture was perfectly clear in my head as I read it. It is a very romantic way to describe the way in which he wants to be with his lover.

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