Pi: A Short Summary: Pi's Life Of Pi

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By using the survival manual, Pi attempts to navigate his way, but he his unsuccessful. He decides to merely float. Pi is extremely distraught when he has to kill a flying fish. He cries and whimpers stating that he has never killed any living creature before. The fish serves as a sacrifice to extend P’s life and Richard Parker’s life. Pi states, “Thank you, Lord Vishnu, thank you! Once you saved the world by taking the form of a fish. Now you have saved me by taking the form of a fish. Thank you, thank you!” (185). Fish are sacred to Pi and the large Dorado serves as a blessing of food that has brought him and Richard Parker a longer chance of survival. Pi relays his developing skills of fishing. He soon becomes much more practiced and uses …show more content…

He states that he is the provider of food and water for Richard Parker and the tiger is well aware that Pi is the one keeping him alive. He discusses the process of collecting rainwater and wraps the bags of water in a blanket in order to prevent them from splitting open. Richard Parker expects Pi to quickly give him food after fish, sharks, or turtles have been caught. Pi realizes as he is that he is eating like an animal, identical to Richard Parker. A storm arises and Pi falls into Richard Parker’s region of the boat. After the storm stops, Pi is unharmed, the bags of fresh water are not split open, and he finds a small amount of whistles. While Pi is resting, water splashes on his face. Suddenly he sees a whale directly next to the boat. Its eye is the size of Pi’s head. This enormous creature does not cause any harm. Pi begins to talk about birds, hopeful that one will reveal land. Nevertheless, none of the birds do so. He catches a masked booby and eats its lungs, stomach, liver, brain, eyes, and webbed feet. He gives the rest of the bird to Richard Parker. Lightning strikes from afar and comes closer. Richard Parker is terrified of the loud strikes while Pi believes it is a positive, religious

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