Physical Assessment

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In this paper, the discussion topic will be on physical assessment and with details about what is done within the assessment. Also, what will be discussed is the systematic methods of checking each body system and the specific points to address when physically assessing an adult female patient versus an adult male patient. The physical examination is one of the first steps toward providing safe and competent nursing care (Potter &Perry, 2013). A registered nurse is in a unique position to determine each patient current health status, distinguishing variations from the norm, and recognize improvements or deteriorations in his or her patient condition within the scope of the nursing profession (Potter & Perry, 2013). A complete physical assessment …show more content…

Also depending on the body parts assessed, it can be difficult to perform an exam. So making sure your extra room has special exam tables will make positioning easier and body more accessible. Equipment is the vital part to a physical assessment. Equipment need to be arranged in the order of the exam so it can be easily accessible and easy to use. Preparing the equipment is equally as important (i.e. warming the diaphragm before placing on a patient's skin). Also make sure that equipment functions properly before using it. (i.e. making sure equipment that has bulbs and batteries operate if not replace the bulbs and batteries). Items that are typically used when conducting a physical examination: sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, thermometer, penlight, and otoscope/ophthalmoscope. Also nasal speculum, tongue depressor, skin marker, tape measure/ruler, reflex hammer, cotton balls, vaginal speculum, gloves, lubricant, eye chart, and drapes or gowns for client. There are four specific assessment techniques of a physical assessment, which are inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation. A general survey is also done to document an overview of the client and beginning of a physical …show more content…

Also, there are abnormal or adventitious breath sounds: wheezing, rhonchi, rales, pleural friction rub and stridor. Also during physical exam if a cough is present an assessment is done, to determine whether it is non-productive or productive including describing the secretion expectorated. Assessment of the breasts is done for both male and female clients. Breast assessment begins by inspecting the breast for size and symmetry. Noting of any obvious masses, dimpling, or inflammation of the breast to be documented. Also, nipples and areola are assessed to determine symmetrical, size, shape and color and any discharge. Another area of breast assessment is the axillary lymph nodes for enlargement or inflamed lymph nodes. Following the thoracic assessment is the abdominal assessment determining the status of the client's gastrointestinal and genitourinary systems. Note any wounds scars, drains, tubes, dressing, or

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