Physical Activity Exercise

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Walking on the street, jumping the fence, running the race, swimming in the pool or playing a football, if you keep on doing this, you are doing a wonderful job. Being a physically active not only improves your physical health, it also helps you built mentally strong. Physical activity encourages the brain to work at optimum capacity to increase productivity and helps to release the endorphins (the chemical produced by the brain) to make brain and body relaxed. The first step in life for prevention and management of disease and disorder is exercise. Exercise and Physical activity gain the attention of researchers regarding treatment of different psychopathological Disorder. Many research shows that involving in physical activity and exercise …show more content…

In the journal, Exercise and Physical Activity in Mental Disorders: Clinical and Experimental Evidence by Elisabeth Zschucke et al. A six-week program of resistance exercise was applied in sedentary female generalized anxiety disorder patients. Compared to a patient without exercise, more reductions in anxiety-tension and irritability were found in the patient doing exercise after six weeks (Zschucke et al 1). This experiment shows that the patient involving in physical activity are reducing their anxiety compare to other patients, so if they keep on exercise for a while they can recover their healthy easily. Doing an Exercise is even advantageous for normal person which make their body and brain healthier and helps to prevent from different chronic diseases. In the Journal, Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity on Anxiety by Elizabeth Anderson, she states that “The endorphin hypothesis posits that the mood elevations and reduced anxiety following acute exercise are due to the release and binding of β-endorphins (endogenous opioids) to their receptor sites in the brain (Anderson et al 2).” So, the exercise helps to increases endogenous opioid activity in the central and other parts of nervous system and arouse a euphoric state and reduce anxiety. This experiment proves that the doing exercise is extremely beneficial for anxiety as well exercise can be …show more content…

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental disorder which is developed in an extremely stressful event and life-altering events. PTSD can drastically change the lives of sufferers and it is particularly common in veterans. In the Article Exercise and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Military Veterans: A Systematic Review by James W Whitworth, He observes an experiment on veterans were most consistent result was reported for vigorous physical activity. In which, those who reported engagement in vigorous physical activity were significantly reduced odds of PTSD symptoms and those who cannot physically unable to do vigorous physical activity had significantly higher odds of PTSD symptoms (Whitworth 3). Thus, involving physical activity can significantly reduction in the PTSD. In the article Exercise Augmentation of Exposure Therapy for PTSD: Rationale and Pilot Efficacy Data. A researcher has an experiment on 10 participants who suffered from PTSD. Half of the patients were assigned to do Physical Exercise and Exposure and remaining half were assigned to do Exposure therapy only. After a while, In the result, patients who were doing both exercise and therapy has a significant reduction in PTSD than another patient who was only assigned to do exposure therapy (Powers et al 2). This experiment has shown that the doing exercise is very important for the PTSD patient to cure it. A lot of psychiatrist also suggest

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