Phylum Chordates Research Paper

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Phylum chordates are a taxonomic rank below kingdom that includes organisms such as mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians, all vertebrates, tunicates, and cephalochordates. To be in the phylum of chordates you must at some point in your development of life have a dorsal nerve, or hollow nerve cord which is in the central nervous system that acts as a support to the locomotion system. I will discuss the different kind of organisms along with some characteristics of the organisms found in the chordates phylum, I will then break down some specific species within the phylum group and will discuss their individual characteristic such as what they eat, where they are found, how and when they reproduce, and if they are social or solitary. There …show more content…

Gorillas can live to be about 50 years old, male gorillas can weight up to 450 pounds whereas female gorillas weigh up to 200 pounds. Male gorillas while stand upright are about 5 feet 5 inches to six feet tall whereas the females are about 4 feet 5 inches to 5 feet tall when standing upright. Gorillas are considered herbivores and vegetarians, they love to eat stems, leaves, bamboo shoots and fruits. Gorillas live in a group about 6-12 but some depending on where they live up to a group of 40. They have a dominant male gorilla that us usually dominant for years. Gorillas do not have a specific mating season they can reproduce anytime throughout the year; they usually carry their babies or young for about eight and a half months. Gorillas usually have one baby per birth and their young are only about three to four pounds and are helpless until the time they can walk which is around eight to nine months. Gorillas usually nurse there young until they are three years old. Gorillas only reproduce a baby about every four to six years. Most gorillas live in the tropical rain forest in Africa specifically central and east Africa. I do feel that gorillas are social animals not solitary. An interesting fact about gorillas is that they share about 98.3% of their DNA with …show more content…

Elephants are the largest land animal on earth they grow from 8.2 to 13 feet from shoulders to toes and they weigh anywhere from 5,000 to 14,000 pounds. Elephants usually eat grass, fruits and bark and an adult elephant can eat up to three hundred pounds of food a day! Elephants that are around the ages of 13-20 will reproduce, they are pregnant for about 22 months and when their young are born they weigh about two hundred pounds and are about three feet tall. They reproduce about every three to four years. While doing my research, I found that elephants are social animals among the female elephants and stay very close like a tight knit family and usually stay close to the eldest adult female elephant but most male elephants are solitary. Elephants live to be about 50-60 years

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