Phlebotomy Compliance Report

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Compliance has received a number of requests lately from Sales Reps. asking that Phlebotomists be allowed to access Provider’s EMR’s. In an effort to maintain compliance and monitor activity, I’ve instructed the Phlebotomy Compliance team to ask a series of questions to obtain why they need access, starting with, is CareEvolve (CE) not working? We need to understand the need to bypass CE, and communicate with IT, if users are having problems. We also need to justify the reason for access. A month ago I established the following protocol: 1. Ask question (i.e.), is CareEvolve not working? 2. Proof of the request from the provider. 3. Verify that there is an up to date PSA on file, with the correct account number(s) 4. We issue an addendum

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