Peter Pan

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It is the third day of first grade, I’m waiting in line to be let in for school, and I met my new best friend Mary. One of the first things I told her was my biggest secret. I told her to come close and I whispered in her ear, “I wish I was born a boy”. She was overjoyed with the trust that I had just placed in her and she looks at me with this beaming smile and says, “Okay, you get to be Peter Pan and I’ll be Wendy!”
Eleven years have passed, and ever since that day I was always Peter Pan and she was always Wendy. The only difference is she was given the body to match her character. I, on the other hand, just have a body, but it’s not mine yet. Yes, I have ten fingers and ten toes, two hands and two feet, two arms and two legs, two eyes and two ears, two lips, one mouth, one nose, one gut, one mind, one heart, and one soul, but out of all these parts of myself; I can’t seem to find the body that matches my character. So I am on an adventure to find it.
Adventures are never ending and unpredictable. Some days you take two steps forward and some days you get pushed back six. ...

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