Pete Turner Negotiation Analysis

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1-What are my interests in this negotiation?
I’m interested in getting recognized as a good agent and negotiator, if I get a good deal I will get a good name and reputation that could lead to popularity among authors that will want me to represent them.
I want to avoid failure at all cost, because it could hurt my career permanently, this is one of my first and biggest negotiations so far.
Finally, I want a long lasting relationship with Paige Turner, I want to prove to her that I she can trust me with all her future contract negotiations.

2-What is the bargaining mix in this negotiation?
1. Royalties (percentage per sale). Higher percentage better deal for the Paige.
2. Contract signing bonus. Get a high signing bonus, she’s a recognized …show more content…

I will start with a low number of books, only 2, but I’m willing to offer more if that helps me get higher royalties. For the number of weeks she has to promote the book, I’m willing to offer 35 weeks if that allows me to get a greater number of countries with the book release, the idea is to suggest an international tour that would require more weeks, but also more countries. Finally, my opening bid will include 4 book clubs, but I’m willing to go lower if I need to comprise in order to get better bonus or advanced …show more content…

My goal is to get the top values in the areas that are most important to Paige: Royalties 15%, signing bonus $50,000, advance $40,000 and 14 countries where the book is distributed. I think these are ambitious goals, but those are the most important points to Paige, so I will negotiate strongly for those.

For the number of print runs I will try to get at least 4 and my goal is to get 4 book clubs to adopt the book, these are almost the highest values of the range, but I want to leave a little room for compromise, in case it helps me get a better deal in the items I mentioned first.

The number of weeks she has to promote the book and number of books she will write for Bestbooks are my main negotiating items, but my goal is to keep them in the middle of the ranges, 25 weeks on tour and 4

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