Pet Consultants Essay

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The Beneficial Use of Pet Portals for Veterinary Clients The veterinary field has advanced over the years with more people having family pets along with medical enhancements within the field. In turn, technological advances have also been made. Human medicine has used patient portals so that people can have easy access to their medical records. Recently, veterinary medicine has introduced pet portals; however, little research is associated with their use for veterinary clients.
The purpose of this applied quantitative research study was to explore the use of pet portals by investigating if clients identify that pet portals help them better manage their pet’s health care. On September 8, 2015 a survey was distributed to clients of a small animal veterinary hospital located in St. Petersburg, FL. The clinic had 13,869 clients at the time of surveying. Of those clients, 3,102 clients had their email addresses on file. Surveys were sent individually to clients as this method provided automatic log in to the pet portal for the client’s convenience. This process took a great deal of time and greatly reduced the number of surveys being distributed. Individual surveys were sent out to 822 clients …show more content…

In addition to the reduced number of distributed surveys, there was no way to determine what email addresses were active as the pet portal system does not receive notices of undeliverable emails. Out of the 822 emails sent out 39 clients responded (4.74%, n=39). However, of those responded, 3 participants created the survey by agreeing to the informed consent and accepting to participate but never completed the survey (0.35%, n=3). Consequently, thirty-six participants’ data was used in the data analysis, resulting in a response rate of

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