Pervasive Dysfunction Summary

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“What accounts for their pervasive dysfunction?” The controversy with nature versus nurture can be difficult to grasp, but after reading the article and examining the Bogle’s family tree it is noticeable that pervasive dysfunction is due to the environment that one is in. From infant to early childhood are the years of learning, it’s where children learn from their parents. As Tracy Bogle states that the children were to be raised as outlaws from the very beginning. In response the children pleased their parents with doing what they were told to do by using violent and illegal behaviors. Despite the environment that they were raised it, the nature outside of that would also play a role in how the children were raised. Besides following such dysfunctional orders, the children soon to be adults seeked for spouses/significant other with the same characteristics and environment raised in. As you can tell from the family tree the only outlier of the entire Bogle Family would be Tammie Bogle because even though she was raised within the same environment she had strayed from the behaviors of her …show more content…

We can point out Mr. Austin who was raised as part of the Bogle family and had only one Bogle Parent. Would that have made a difference? The fact that he only had one Bogle parent we cannot know for sure if his behaviors were biologically passed down. Another example would be the Bogle family and the extended family. There could have been more information on the correlation between the two. It would be more substantially evident if there was more of a descriptive information on how the children were raised in the household. What was the environment exactly like? Those are issues we can’t know for sure. If we knew how long the abuse and violent behaviors were frequent in the environment and family it would allow us to evaluate how they children were

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