Persuasive Speech Outline

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Thesis Statement: When a child knows their body parts by their proper name it can help protect them. Preview Statement: Children start their curiosity at an early age of life. Boys start to wonder what their penis is and girl start to wonder what their vagina is. Kid start to wonder why they their body parts look different from the opposite sex. Around the age of 3 kids start to realize touching themselves feels good to them. Organizational Design: Problem-Cause-Solution Attention Getter: Image you are a daycare teacher and one of the children in the class always goes and visit their grandmother. We are going to say this child name is Sara. Every Monday you ask Sara how was her weekend and she always has the same story that her and her uncle John played with her pocketbook. After so many time of hearing about this pocketbook a person can’t help but to be carious about this pocketbook. While you are sitting there listening to the story trying to figure out what type of pocketbook Sara and her uncle is having so much fun with. Sara just told you another story how her uncle John have been molesting her every weekend she goes to her granny house. Don’t feel bad because you did not know that Sara pocketbook was her vagina. Oh, did I forget to mention that Sara is only 3 years old. You …show more content…

Those be the parents that give the cute nicknames to replace vagina and penis. They rather use cute and silly words like we-we, pee-pee, flower, pocketbook etc. When parents do that it makes the kids feel like its embarrassing to talk about your private parts. So, if anything sexual ever happens to them they don’t know to express what happen. You as a parent you must be comfortable talking to your child about their body part an even sex. So that they can be comfortable to talk it. According to committee for children child molester are less likely to molest a child who are well

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