Persuasive Speech On School Shootings

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This is a long post but I think it is worth reading. All that has been on my mind since that school shooting yesterday is the hurt so many people in Florida are experiencing today. Parents waking up today facing the fact that they will never get to see their child again. It breaks my heart I can’t even imagine the heartache that they are going through. When I dropped my daughter off this morning at school as I was driving off I just asked the Lord to protect her because I never know that could have easily taken place at her school. Everywhere, tears are being shed for the families and friends of the precious, darling children, whose lives were mercilessly taken from them yesterday during that school shooting in Florida. The teachers and other adults who tried their best to defend the students are true heroes. …show more content…

Mother’s and Father’s, who must continue to put both feet on the floor and wade through the everyday tasks, duties, and relationships that await them but without their child. I pray for their strength and comfort. Most everyone is only thinking and praying for the families of those whose children were killed when as hard as it is for us as humans we also should be praying for the shooter Nikolas Cruz. I have read many comments where people say his name shouldn’t be mentioned and that he should burn in hell. The families of those left behind I am sure will find it very difficult to find it in their heart to pray for him. I must admit my first reaction when hearing of this wasn't to pray for him either. But that isn't what the bible instructs us to

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