Persuasive Speech On Children

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The new neighbors just bought their house three days ago. It would be such a heartwarming gift if I made them some goodies to welcome them into the neighborhood. I have to take my daughter to practice and I have no time to run over to deliver them. My nine year old son is playing video games, maybe I should make him walk down two houses to deliver them. As the cookies were just getting out of the oven, I called “Jacob, do you want to do mommy a huge favor?” With a crooked smile on his face, he walked out to the kitchen as said, “Sure”. I bundled him up and gave him the plate of cookies so he could carry on. As he went down the street I thought to myself, is he old enough to walk down the street alone? What if someone sees him? Could I get With this being the general purpose, she also uses explanations within each article to show to us the difference in each one. The main reason that this is persuasive because when one reads this article, a question forms in their head that reads, why was she labeled the ‘world’s worst mom’ when other cases like this pop up everyday? So with question in mind, she is trying to persuade people that it is okay to let one’s child have some self independence. Her evidence that helps persuade her audience is the use of examples. Therefore, these examples are persuasive to the public because families can relate to these in any way, shape or form. Furthermore, she is effectively persuading the audience that it is okay to do it because everyone else does it. It is just the punishment and being criminalized is what she is arguing because everyone criminalizes a parent when they see a child walking by themselves. Moreover, the author’s purpose in this article is to persuade due to the fact that a child should be able to have some independence to promote the child’s self-esteem, which also makes this article

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