Persuasive Speech On Abolish Racism

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Imagine this, you spot a couple of white kids playing football and you intend to play with them. As you approach them, the kids glare at you and they run away shouting all kinds of racial slurs. As a child of African descent, you intended on joining their game of football and they left you out as you are black. Is it fair? No, it is not fair. In this letter, I will address some reasons why I strongly believe racism needs to stop and explain ways we could aid the termination of racism. We must abolish racism because everyone has human rights. The right to live, speak, and equality are indispensable freedoms that every one of us possess. In his image, God created us therefore we stand equal. We must accept the differences that God has given each person, because these differences make every one of us unique. In the Bible, the Lord says “There is neither Greek nor Jew, there is neither slave nor freeman, and there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus”. The underlying message of this quote is that no matter who you are, no matter what colour your skin, what language you speak, …show more content…

Offer friendly greetings to people, regardless of race. By doing this, we are crossing the racial divide, extending the hand of friendship to other ethnic groups which will ease the tension between ethnic groups caused by racism. Doing something when you see something. Stepping up to a racist when you see racism occurring and challenging them by asking for supporting evidence to back up their racist assumptions. Standing up to a racist will encourage more people to stand up to the threat of racism. Advocate for equal rights in employment. In multiple studies there was irrefutable evidence that employers reject coloured people for employment far more than white people. Advocating for equal rights in employment will hopefully bring about change in the employment system and see more coloured people gaining

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