Persuasive Speech About Illegal Immigration

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Whether you want to believe it or not, immigrants are a big part of our country and our economy. Yet despite this, many feel threatened by them. It’s isn’t uncommon to hear in the media that immigrants are stealing jobs from United States citizens but that simply isn’t the truth. Many of them come to this country on working visas to start businesses, which increase the amount of jobs available. However the biggest obstacle in the way for immigration is how long the process to become a citizen takes. This process can take up 13 years for some, this deprives them of the opportunities that native born citizens would have. Illegal immigrants pay billions of dollars in taxes they can never claim into all because they lack citizenship. However being an illegal immigrant doesn’t make you sneaky or bad. One of the main reasons we have illegal immigrants is that their working visa expires, after that happens they are technically an illegal immigrant. Immigrants make up this country, and they aren’t in the passenger seat. They are one of the drivers. …show more content…

That’s more than 45 million people living in the US. Immigrants make 13.3% of the United States total population in 2015 according to United Nations Figures. We are a country that is made up of immigrants. Some of the most famous people in The US’s history are Immigrants. Some well-known examples are Einstein, Nikola Tesla, and Sergey Brin (one of the founders of google). Two more modern examples of this are Trevor Noah and John Oliver both of which are now citizens. That show alone should show how immigrants make up our country and how they affected

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