Persuasive Essay: Should The Bring Your Dog To Work Program

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Should the Bring Your Dog to Work Program be put into affect? Some people may think so but other's not so much. In my opinion, Bringing your dog to work would be a terrible idea and here's why. First off, Not everyone is comfortable with dogs in a workplace, Some people simply don't like them, while others may have had bad experiences with them in the past. A good friend of mine gets terrible anxiety when around dogs due to a bad experience he had with one as a child. By allowing dogs into the workplace, some people may feel very uncomfortable with them being around them, leading to slower workpace and distress. Some people may be okay with them, but others wouldn't. Every employee is entitled to a safe,healthy working environment, and …show more content…

Dogs carry a large amount of bacteria and germs that may spread throughout the work area, causing employee's to get sick and call in sick day's, leading to less work being done. Not to mention untrained dog's may urinate and deficate all over the work area, leading more to the spread of bacteria and germs. This too would contradict a safe,healthy working environment. Furthermore, Dogs are extremely unpredictable, some dog's chew on furniture, other's bark at the slightest noise, some even jump in other's lap! All of this would cost the company money to repair damages, distract workers, and even stress them out. Sure, having your dog at work may help some employee's cope with stress, However, it may have an even bigger toll on others, a negative one. Finally, dog's are high matineance. They have to be let outside,fed,watered, and played with throughout the day. Bringing them to work would require workers to take more breaks then those without dog's. Pet owners would fall behind on work or have to spend extra time at work trying to catch up. Even more, some people are annoyed by dogs. Employee's without dogs would resent other's from bringing their dogs to work. This could cause misunderstandings between

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