Persuasive Essay On Why Kids Should Start Later

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More Sleep

Teens are the most likely not to get enough sleep during the school week due to the amount of homework they have. A lot of teens are not getting the right amount of sleep, and are instead getting “about seven hours of sleep per night when they should be getting nine and a-half hours of sleep per night” (“Backgrounder. Later School”). Other organizations like the CDC and pediatricians cited significant risks that come with lack of sleep, “including higher rates of obesity and depression and motor-vehicle accidents among teens as well as an overall lower quality of life”(Hamblin). These are just some of the effects it has on people WHO do not get enough sleep due to early wake times during the school year.

Pediatricians say that because of early start times teens sleeping schedule has been altered so much that they are not getting enough healthy sleep. Teens have been getting caffeinated drinks “ to get through the day or sleeping more on weekends doesn't make up for the sleep deficits,”(Shute). This has lead to childhood obesity, because of all the poor eating habits, and terrible sleep schedule just to get homework done and get to school on time. If pediatricians are saying that school should start later because of how bad it is for your body, people think the school board would do something. …show more content…

Wake County should start school later for high schools, because students are not prepared enough in the morning to learn and function well in a classroom setting. Pediatricians and other individuals high up in the medical field agreed that the early wake up times were taking a toll on a teen’s life and can cause their bodies harm. If we could start school later and let teens get a bit more sleep than they could do better in school, and will be more motivated to do well, because they were able to get a better and longer night’s

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