Persuasive Essay On Why Animal Testing Should Be Banned

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Testing on animals should be banned. Millions of innocent animals are being killed each year and are being tested on. Animals weren’t born to be an experiment or to be experimented on. There are alternate ways that we could find out if drugs are effective or not. Also, the millions of money spent on killing animals could be spent on other things. If drugs were tested on home animals like dogs or cats, people would care more but the animals that are being tested on are mostly rabbits and rats and that’s why a lot of people are still in favour of animal testing.
Testing on animals isn’t something we need to do, it’s a choice. I believe that animal testing should be banned for a various amount of reasons, but one of the main reasons is that there just isn’t a need to test on animals. There are human volunteers and computer testing which produce more accurate results. People volunteer to be tested on either to gain money or stop the testing of animals. The human volunteers are given a small dose of the chosen drug/product and are monitored by scientists to see how well the drug/product is working or how the drug/product isn’t affective. Unlike testing on animals, people aren’t being forced to be tested on, it’s their choice. The …show more content…

In USA alone they spend over 16 billion dollars on testing on animals and what for? Most of the tests aren’t useful and the ones that are, are for very rare diseases. Most people don’t know where their tax goes or what the government is spending it on. Instead of testing on animals we could be spending the money on other things like free health care and more homeless shelters and instead of spending money on testing on animals we could test on humans. Tax payer’s money would still go to testing but we could get a 100% more accurate result and it would cost less because then we wouldn’t have to hold millions of animals in captivity which costs a lot (Source

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