Persuasive Essay On Unstructured Recess

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Technology- an incredible, constantly-advancing achievement- has greatly impacted our world by creating an efficient and easier way to do work and , as a result, increased the lethargicness of our people. However, recess is one aspect that hasn't altered, and remains a major source of fitness that monitors obesity rates through exercise. Additionally, it increases a child’s cognitive growth. Unstructured recess bestows upon children the ability of learning important life skills such as collaboration, negotiation and resolution of conflicts, which will be advantageous in the future. However, the design of unstructured play is being threatened with a new proposal due to the increasing amount of worried parents. This new proposal is known as …show more content…

Despite the many benefits of structured recess, it is simply unnecessary. Some of assets of structurity recess include “[allowing] older elementary children [to] benefit from game instruction, ” “more children can actively participate in regular activity and the “[development of ] interpersonal skills” (Text 1, lines 17-22). However, structured recess is viewed as a complication as it “threatens students’ instruction in and acquisition of new motor skills, exploration of sports and rules, and a concept of lifelong physical fitness” (Text 1, lines 29-30). Motor skills are an essential part of a young child’s life as they begin to use their muscles to write, eat and dress themself. This provides a substantial amount of evidence at the imperfections of structured recess. Perhaps, one of the most important moments in a child’s life is exploration. There is nothing as beautiful as watching a young child explore and finding new things about the world. Moreover, structured recess is disposable when there is a presence of “attractive, safe playground equipment to stimulate free play” (Text 1, lines 32-33). This leaves the question, ‘If structured play is so inessential, is there really a need for

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