Persuasive Essay On Trans Fat

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Ashley’s Hayes’s thesis states artificial fats in foods are not recognized as safe, and a growing worldwide trend support her statement. Eliminating trans fats has become a hot topic in the United States, and around the world. Numerous government around the world, and their constituents are demanding higher nutritional standards along with safer foods. The movement to produce more holistically sound foods is a growing trend around the world. The exaggerated use of these fats have led to higher risks of coronary heart disease, and obesity.
Since the early 1900’s it has been common practice to add artificial trans fats to foods. These trans fat adds flavor, longer shelf life, and palatability to many foods. Trans fat do exist in milk and meat, however only in small amounts. You will find these fats incorporated into many foods such as, snack food, deep-fried foods, baked goods, and margarines. The primary source of artificial trans fat is adding hydrogen to vegetable oils or hydrogenated oils. The common practice of adding partially hydrogenated oils to everyday …show more content…

When the FDA banned the use of trans fat it has opened the door to further government actions. The food industry is being held accountable for the long term health consequences of the American public. With the FDA and worldwide health organizations pushing for more sustainable, and holistic foods we should see improved health standards. It is the responsibility of our governments to protect us from the risks of unhealthy foods. Americans have empowered our government to ensure our foods are free of any disease, and meet every day nutritional standards. The government has been given a role to ensure food safety and labeling. It is expected that government should continue to investigate food standards and nutritional needs. There is no irony that United States government is following suit of numerous European

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