Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Using your cellphone while driving has been the cause of many car crashes. Therefore, I agree that nobody should drive with a handheld cellphone and it should be illegal. Driving and using your cellphone could cause the drivers and others their life. Many people lose their lives by looking a text or the person that is texting the message. Using your cellphone should be the illegal in every state. Texting while driving has been a big cause of deaths for the past couple of years. I think it is because the rise of technology in this generation. This generation always has to post anything and everything. That being said, drivers want to know what is going with their friends and family on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snap chat. Especially young, teenage drivers they can barely …show more content…

There are a couple of things can that stop drivers not just teenagers from looking at their cellphones. One of them is putting your phone on do not disturb or airplane mode that way you would not get any notifications to your phone while driving. Drivers could also tell the people that their texting they will talk to them later. Driver could even throw your phone in the backseat of your car or the glove department just in case if they get tempted. When driving a car it deserves your full attention, because their is too many people losing their lives to a text that could have waited. My dads coworker lost his daughter to a text that said "Dad, I'm on my way home." She was coming home from college and was texting her dad to tell him she was close to getting home. When she lost control of the wheel and ended up running right into a tree. She died right at the scene form impact, her car was totaled. Her parents never got to see their 19 year old daughter walk through the door and tell her that he loved her and ask how school was going. That was around Thanksgiving/Christmas time, her dad has went back to work but still has not forgave himself for putting her daughter in that

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