Texting While Driving Should Be Banned Analysis

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In the article “Should Text Messaging while Driving Be Banned? NO!” the author shares exceptionally valid points for his argument and I believe that outlawing texting while driving would prove to be disastrous. Radley Balko wrote this article to explain the appalling outcome of banning texting while driving, however, he does not advocate that everyone should look at their phones with glee while operating a motor vehicle. We must also promise ourselves to never let the glowing screens of our cellular devices captivate our attention or be more important than safely operating a motor vehicle. Radley Balko, the senior editor of Reason Magazine and former policy analyst for civil liberties issues for the Canto Institute, vents his frustrations toward the American population crying for a law to holster phones while driving. He states Americans always get a case of “TOBAL-itis” which is an abbreviation for “There Ought a Be A Law”. Balko declares that Americans are not concerned about the outcome of a texting ban law, but only the fact that a law is enacted is suffeciently adequate. The aftermath of this law would be chaotic and the local courthouses would have a line of infuriated citizens stretching out the door due to the increased number of traffic tickets. We must also think of the consequences …show more content…

His data reveals that driving fatalities from 1997 to 2016 have decreased from 6.7 million to 6 million which indicates people are driving safer than ever before. With leading statistics, I am inclined to agree with Mr. Balko that banning texting while driving is the same as banning all cell phone usage when you are steering a car. Imagine living in a world where you cannot even look at your phone for GPS directions without getting pulled over. We must take everything into consideration before people cry out for law change without thinking about the harsh

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