Persuasive Essay On Standardized Testing

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From many years, it is known that each and every person on this plant are not identical. We all learn by nurture, using what we have from nature, in widely different ways. Yet, we expect every person in America’s schools to take tests that are based off of the normal, the typical . Standardized tests have set a bar for a normal society, a society that is not normal and not standard. Taking tests that are meant for the normal human is wrong. Expecting humans to become normal; devalue their strengths and weaknesses; and change school to be more about passing a class than learning from the class. Standardized testing does not measure the capability of a certain individual and decreasing the funds and benefits for the students who suffer from this …show more content…

The generic test are given out as an example of what should be the normal knowledge of a person. Although a students may do well in a class with worksheets, in class discussions, or projects, but lacks the grade in tests could be due to test anxiety. Research on 414 students by Rana and Mahmood states, “out of the 116 males total test anxiety scale scores, the mean value is ranging between a minimum of 38.91 for male students of department of Statistics to a maximum mean score of 49.06 for male students of department of Mathematics,” and “ it is also found that achievements is significantly inversely related to both emotional and worry scales as well.” Rana and Mahmood also reference the studies of Zollar, Ben-chain, and Spielberger: “It has been found that students consistently perceive examination as a source of increase in anxiety and a situation engulfed with uncertainty/unfairness in letting them demonstrate their true achievements.” It has been proven that test anxiety is truly affecting students ability because forty-nine out of one hundred and sixty one males showed deficient due to anxiety, emotion, and worry (Claim of Fact). It limits their achievement with grade point averages, scholarships, and entry into school they would other have the ability to succeed greatly in. Standardized test should take into consideration the

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