Persuasive Essay On School Shootings

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“Americans have accepted these atrocities as a part of life here, another day, another shooting spree and no politician will do anything about it.”(Gunter) In the first twelve weeks of 2018 there had been seventeen school shootings. (Walker)Even though they weren’t all were massive shootings or not all were kids dying they all happened on school property.Schools shootings have always happened sadly. But the recent ones have really started a movement for gun laws.Kids are taking matters into their own hands by starting marches and protests. (Gray)My overall topic is pretty much guns in schools. Although there will always be the scare of school shootings, there should be something else we can do.I believe that something should be done to protect schools, more.Talking about the recent school shootings, if teachers should carry guns and what students are doing to make their voices heard. LA times says”since the sandy hook shooting a gun has been fired on school grounds nearly once a week. Since December of 2012 there have been more than 180 deaths and Injuries from school shootings. (Krishnakumar)In 2016 a student went into …show more content…

So I feel way different about guns than most people. Guns don't really scare me, but still the thought of someone coming into my school and me having no sort of defense scares me. If only 1 person in our schools has guns then, how is that going to protect all 1300 of us.78 percent of NC educators think guns on teachers is a bad idea.(Helms) I interviewed my English teacher asking these three questions would you carry a gun?What do you think schools could do about school safety?Would you feel safer if in that situation if one of your teacher peers carried a gun at

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