Persuasive Essay On Pokemon Go

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A teenaged boy returns from school, digs out his phone from layers of dirty clothes, and starts playing Pokemon Go. A tall, thin woman walks in. First, her eyes widen in surprise. Then, her brow furrows and her fists clench. “Nathan! Why are you still wasting your time on useless games? You should be working on your college applications!” “But mom...” “No excuses!” Contrary to the beliefs of most parents, Pokemon is not a brainless, time-wasting distraction. In fact, several scientific studies illustrate many benefits to playing Pokemon. Pokemon encourages outdoor physical activity, promotes mental health, and raises awareness of environmental issues. Pokemon improves physical health by encouraging players to exercise and explore the outdoors. The viral mobile game Pokemon Go illustrates this benefit. Pokemon Go is a virtual reality game in which players can battle, catch, and train Pokemon outdoors. In fact, it is difficult to get far in the game without significant outdoor activity. Simply hatching a Pokemon egg requires one to walk several kilometers. Unlike most fitness apps, which are primarily used by those who are already healthy, Pokemon Go inspires normally sedentary video game addicts to run outdoors and catch their favorite Pokemon. While most …show more content…

Pokemon teaches players the importance of habitats for various species. In most Pokemon games, each species resides only in certain environments. For example, Oddish, a Grass Pokemon, is often found in grassy areas. Tentacool, a Water Pokemon, is found in the oceans. One wouldn’t find an Oddish in the ocean, or a Tentacool on land. Likewise, most plants can’t grow in saltwater, and most fish would die on solid ground. In Pokemon, as in the real world, each species has a limited number of places it can call home. As a metaphor for nature, Pokemon teaches the importance of conserving these habitats, for without one, a species will soon go

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