Persuasive Essay On Minimum Wage

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In 1938, minimum wage was created for the purpose of preventing slavery and making businesses pay overtime for employees; today people think this wage is made for supporting lifestyles when its really a entry level wage. One of the biggest issues in todays world seems to be money, and while the economy seems to be doing well on the surface people are still pushing to get minimum wage increased as a solution to poverty. However, it’s not all; it would do is put people into poverty. By increasing the minimum wage, the loss of jobs would increase as well. When the wages for employees goes up that means more money from profits have to go towards the employee. This causes the company to either stick around and try to make more profits to cover …show more content…

That would mean that someone working in fast food would be making about 30,000 dollars a year, nearly double what they 're making now. Politicians and activist claim that you still live in “poverty” if you worked forty hours a week, and make minimum wage. When in fact the national minimum wage average is 7.25 or 15,080 per year and the poverty line is at 11,945 dollars. Thats half of what activist and politicians are wanting. According to William Dunkelberg from Forbes, “Raising the minimum wage is like killing flies with a shotgun, not very well targeted. About 60% of the officially poor don’t work, so the only thing raising the minimum wage does for them is to make it harder for them to get a job if they ever decide they want one”. Meaning that the people who are in real poverty will struggle even more to get back on their feet. This already is a problem in our country today and it will only get worse if the minimum wage gets …show more content…

No one will want to have their wages cut. Furthermore it seems very unrealistic to have someones wages cut down to benefit the economy. However, Michael Saltsman states “Let’s make teens less expensive for private employers to hire. Let’s lower their minimum wage”. lowering the minimum wage would bring as many problems as solutions. For example our youth would be employed and our unemployment rate would go down, but the people that currently have jobs will be short on money. This is why minimum wage should stay where it’s at because weather you want to increase it or decrease it both will have a negative effect on our economy. However we could steadily lower it by small amounts which would have less of a negative effect it would give our economy a change to adjust to the changes without major

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