Persuasive Essay On Mcdonalds

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Do you really know what’s lurking in your fast food burger — and are you sure it’s even meat?

Most Americans feel that fast food is not good for you, yet, according to the Gallup poll, 8 out of 10 report eating fast food monthly, with almost half saying they eat fast food at least weekly. But before you scarf down your next fast food burger, you might want to know what you’re actually putting in your mouth. Here’s some information that may leave you asking — is it really worth it?

When old is new again

You may have heard the story about the man from Utah who found a forgotten McDonalds hamburger in his coat pocket. To his surprise the burger, dated 1999, was still intact and mold-free. In-fact the burger had barely aged. According to McDonald's …show more content…

These antibiotics, along with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, are then transferred to us every time we eat a burger. Two million Americans become infected with antibiotic-resistant bacteria every year, causing at least 23,000 deaths. But it doesn’t stop …show more content…

Sodium nitrite is linked to pancreatic cancer, according to a study conducted by the Cancer Research Center of Hawaii and the University of Southern California.
Human hair
L-Cysteine, an amino acid often used to extend shelf life in products such as commercial bread comes from duck and chicken feathers and cow horns. However, L-Cysteine used in food actually comes from human hair — that’s right — human hair. According to the The Vegetarian Resource Group, most of the hair used to make L-Cysteine comes from China, where it’s gathered from barbershops and hair salons. While fresh breads made from local bakers are usually L-Cysteine-free; unfortunately, fast food joints may use L-Cysteine as an additive in their buns.

By now, you’re most-likely grossed-out. So, instead of your usual burger, you’ll opt for a fish or chicken sandwich. The problem is if your burger is loaded with so many nasty chemicals, there’s a good chance everything else in your favorite fast food restaurant is as well. And while many fast food joints boast healthier menu options, they still haven’t reduced sodium or committed to using non GMO foods. So, in the end, while fast food burgers certainly are fast— they’re also kind of gross. Bone

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