Persuasive Essay On Make Up

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Between work, school, family, and social obligations, our daily lives have become busier than ever. As women on the go, the last thing any of us want or need is a high maintenance, time consuming daily makeup routine. Every day we find ourselves bouncing from work straight to a dinner obligation or from a lunch event to an evening one, with little or no time in between. As a result, we need our makeup to carry us through the day with little or no fuss. After all, who has time to fret over makeup these days? So, by adopting the Girl Scout motto of “Be Prepared”, you can easily spice up your daytime look and carry it into evening.

Start your day with a clean canvas. It’s vital that you cleanse your face well in the morning to get rid of excess dirt and oil. Then apply foundation, concealer, and translucent powder on your chin and nose. The key to doing it perfectly is have a light hand, so that it doesn’t look overdone. Starting with a great base is essential, especially if you know you’ll be going out later. A bit of blush in a neutral color, a soft eye shadow shade, and a light coating of mascara on your lashes will finish out your daytime look. Oh, and don’t forget to wear a neutral shade of lipstick. The key is to avoid anything heavier than necessary during the day.

Eyes …show more content…

Modifying your eye makeup can make a huge change. If you opted for a light smokey eye shadow to wear to work, deepen it later with a smokier effect color. Top it with a quick application of a shimmery shadow to add a dash of bling. And remember, an application of eyeliner will frame and highlight your eyes. Use a thin line for daytime on your top lids for a lift, a thicker line is great for evening. Avoid adding additional mascara during your touch-up. Invariably it will clump.

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