Persuasive Essay On Homeschooling

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Homeschooling has become a popular trend within the past several years. Many parents are pulling their children out of public school and private schools and are now educating them in their own home. With the rise in the number of homeschooling families a new question has arisen; should homeschooled children be allowed to participate in extra-curricular activities, especially sports, in public schools? Homeschool families pay the same taxes as other public families that fund the public schools. Just as it is unacceptable to exclude homeschoolers from publicly funded areas such as libraries, hospitals, and parks, so it is unacceptable to exclude homeschoolers from public school programs such as band, sports, clubs, and after school activities. …show more content…

According to the most recent federal study, the number of homeschooled students continues to rise. The number has nearly doubled from 850,000 in 1999 to 1.5 million in 2007 (Rotherham, par. 2). This means nearly 3.4% of all school age children are now being taught at home. An estimated 250,000 to 340,000 high school (grades 9-12) students were being homeschooled during the 2000-2001 conventional school year. In North Carolina the number of homeschooled students is now more than the number of those enrolled in private schools (Plecnik, par. …show more content…

Homeschooled students are able to engage in many types of real world learning experiences that are not readily available to other students; volunteering, working under mentors in fields of interest, and participating in field trips during usual school periods. These students bring a wealth of diversity to the activities in which they participate. They bring personality, character, different opinions and views with them when they interact with other. Educators at the state level need to recognize that including homeschooled students in extracurricular activities would not harm those activities but add another dimension to the group. Diversity is praised in our society as a positive, and therefore allowing diversity within extracurricular activities would also be

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