Persuasive Essay On Head Injuries And Concussions

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Head injuries and concussion sometimes happen when a player is hit in the head or some other type of incident occurs while they are interacting in the sport they are playing. Getting hit in the head can be very dangerous and some people can even die if they are hit hard enough. There are so many sports where safety gear is very important. Football players, racecar drivers, and baseball players are just a few to mention. Educating more people about the dangers of sports athletes not wearing protective safety gear is the best way to lower the concussion and head injuries related to sports. Because almost everyone plays some type of sport or knows of someone who does being educated and trying to change rules on ways to protect people from head injuries can only help make things better. There are more and more people pushing to get better gear for sports players because they are getting tired of living a life with pain. If we are going to pay to see our favorite player perform their job then we should be willing to spend a little more money to …show more content…

Some of them are like having a doctor or a nurse close by when some type of activity is taking place. It is important to have a doctor or a nurse that is qualified to help a person as quickly as possible. In the past, people didn’t get checked out unless they had some type of symptom. Today is say a football player gets hit hard on the field then there is a doctor or nurse standing by to automatically check him out. Then that doctor will let him know after if he should go back onto the field or call it a day. Another treatment or way to help is to make sure that the person doesn’t stay alone after a head injury. Because if that person has bad symptoms later after he has went (change to gone) home then no one will be there to help him. So if a person has been hit hard then someone should be with them for at least a day just in case (

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