Persuasive Essay On Flexible Seatinging

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Did you know that tomorrow’s students could be healthier if we just changed the seats that they sat in while in school. We have to change the seating in our schools to accommodate the future generation of students. Kids like to fidget and without it they can get too active and not pay attention, so they don't learn what they need to learn. We need to switch to flexible seating, it would improve student health, focus, and improve student collaboration. Children being healthy is an absolute necessity, kids need to be fit and ready to learn so flexible seating can help. First “Flexible seating can lower your chance for serious health issues and increase productivity levels” stated, a helpful campaign for improving children's health with standing desks. Second flexible seating is a workout for your body every day. It will help children be more active and fit. Finally, it will burn up to 15% more calories said an article on CNN. This is just one reason why classrooms around the country should change for the better. …show more content…

First, students now get to fidget and move around more when sitting down, which is a major improvement because before we had children talking and distracting themselves but now they can quietly fidget and exercise. Second, children can be more creative now that they can move around and spend more time thinking. Finally, flexible seating can improve behavior. Rocking can help calm kids and let them move around while they learn, also kids with ADD and ADHD can focus easier while using any extra energy they may have. We need to change the seating of our classrooms to help students focus and learn easier, I hope you want to make a change

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