Persuasive Essay On Fair Tax

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As for me, I have been in favor of the "fair tax" initiative since the time I first read about it. The nice thing about the fair tax is that we are, in some ways, already participating in an abridged method, at least those of us who don't live in Texas or Nevada. I'm talking about a sales tax on consumption. Nothing will tick of the Federal government quicker than the realization that they cannot tax your income, savings accounts, inheritance, etc… It forces the lobbyists out of the tax realm, simplifies the notion of how the revenue is gained at the federal level, severely cuts the IRS, and hamstrings the IRS' ability to be weaponized by political parties. The nice thing is that it is a playing field leveler on steroids where everyone has skin in the game and the consumption rate is what is the controlling factor. Therefore, the wealthy will automatically pay more because their rates of consumption are …show more content…

He is married and his income is such that his wife does not have to work. His home is 11,000 square feet, he owns a pool, has 5 high end vehicles and buys expensive furnishings and jewelry. He shops at high end stores and pays a pretty penny for all of his purchases. Under the current adjusted tax rate with loopholes and a good CPA, John pays an adjusted tax rate of somewhere between 14 and 22 percent.

Subject 2:

Jane Doe is a person who works at a job which pays her $17,000.00 per year. Her husband brings in $17,000.00 per year for a combined yearly income of $34,000.00. They are purchasing a modest home for which they have a mortgage. They each have a car but no other frivolities. They shop at bargain stores and budget wisely because money is tight. Under the current adjusted tax rate with only a mortgage and perhaps some school loans to deduct, Jane and her husband go to a small time tax person and pay somewhere around 18 percent.

Now for the fair tax:

John Doe


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