Questions of Tax Reformation

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Whether or not to keep or discard the Bush era tax cuts for the wealthy, give tax breaks to the lowest tax bracket, and even throwing out the entire current tax code and replacing it with a simpler version, tax code and tax law has been a very controversial topic for the past few years. As it stands, the current tax code has over seventy two thousand pages, compared to the four hundred pages it had in 1913. There are many different stakeholders in this debate including taxpayers, corporations, businesses, etc. Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) is an organization that was “founded in 1985 by Grover Norquist at the request of President Reagan”(.N.p.). Their goal is to create and advocate for a simple flat tax,“...on the belief that they will provide a strong stimulus to investment, employment, and output” (Stokey 1). They promote their organization and represent taxpayers in all fifty states. Along with tax reform, ATR also advocates for individual health care, free trade, and spending transparency (.N.p.). Using very simple and easy to understand images, ATR is able to convey their goals and get information across to the general audience that visits their website.
One image ATR uses to convey their goal is their white and purple emblem. The emblem is located in the top left hand corner of their web page, and appears on every page of their website. It is a very straightforward logo that reads “Americans for Tax Reform”, making the organization easily recognizable, by literally branding the organization. This helps the ATR organization because most major, and well known organizations and companies have brands. The font is simple and easy to read and although the image does not have many rhetorical appeals, the color purple ...

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...usiness Source Premier. Web. 19 Jan. 2014.
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Kirkland, Stephen D. "Should We Have A Flat Tax?." Business & Economic Review 49.1 (2002): 27. Business Source Premier. Web. 19 Jan. 2014.
Stokey, Nancy L., and Sergio Rebelo. "Growth Effects Of Flat-Rate Taxes." Journal Of Political Economy 103.3 (1995): 519. Business Source Premier. Web. 19 Jan. 2014.

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