Persuasive Essay On Factory Farming

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According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 80 percent of all antibiotics consumed in the United States are consumed by farm animals in large factories raised for American consumption, which is to blame for new diseases affecting humans such as E. coli and mad cow disease (“Antibiotics”). During the last century, farming has had a radical alteration from the friendly natural production of simple goods that was once known to the more industrialized version of Old McDonald’s farm, the result of a new era of extremely inhumane treatment of animals and genetically enhanced fruits and vegetables that have unknown consequences for human health. With the population of the world growing at such a staggering rate, governments are forced to find new ways to support, and most of all, feed all these people. As a result there has been a mass production of fruits, vegetables, and meats; this is known as factory farming, and although this is a faster way to feed a lot more people, consumers have to ask …show more content…

As a result, factory farming has become an alternative that has been accepted by many people, but factory farms are controversial due to the negative effects that it has on the world’s environment, health and ethics. A solution to this problem is not simple; people have relied on factory farming as a quick and cheap food source for so long that steering away from that would be difficult, but not impossible. Organic foods are becoming more and more popular as people learn about the benefits organic growing has over processed foods, and by taking these methods as examples, producers can slowly make factories better. Taking small steps to turn around theses factories such as turning to organic pesticides, and stopping the genetic enhancement of animals, can quickly add up and slowly make the food that is consumed better for humans and better for the

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