Exploring Affordable Summer Fun in Blythe

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Now that school is out, there’s a lot of fun in the sun that can be done, but some parents don’t have the luxury to travel long distances and afford a family vacation at DisneyLand.
However, there is still plenty to do in little ole Blythe, if you’d just take the time and explore your options.
With the Colorado River serving as one the city’s hotspots to visit, a day cooling off in the water is a cheap and fun route to explore.
Not only will you save on electricity by staying out of the house all day, but this will also give you time to spend your love ones in the free, cool air provided by the shade at the park.
Nonetheless, if swimming isn’t really your thing, the Splash Pad at Todd Park is now open, so load up the car, pack cases of …show more content…

This is a great way to keep your child’s brain working, while also, giving them the ability to travel through the various adventures found inside books.

Create a list of words or create homework for the grade level your child will be attending next school year- This gives them a jumpstart on subjects items they’ll be required to know. This helps keep them actively engaged in learning and excited about conquering core subjects, next school term.

Buy them a journal and have them write-On the first day of school, some English classes first writing prompt are for students to write about their summer vacation, and with a handy journal, this will be an easy task. One of the many benefits of writing in a journal is that it produces creativity, relieves stress and one is able to confidently self express, without being interrupted.

Visit places your child likes-More often than not, parents drag their kids where he or she wants to go and never bother to ask the child where to this time. Summer vacation is all about having fun, so include their ideas in your family …show more content…

If you’re a working parent, create a list of all the chores you want completed by the time you return home and use their free time for your benefit. You’ve probably played housekeeper all year long while they were in school, now is your turn to get some rest from behind the vacuum.

Enroll your child(ren) into vacation Bible school-Many churches will begin hosting VBS mid June and are inviting the entire community to come out. Children will be able to socialize and stay in contact with their friends, eat dinner and learn about all things Jesus.

Pay attention to the community calendar-Every three Saturday, Greater White Rose will have “Unity for the community” where children can laugh and play on bouncy houses, enjoy free food, color, play games and bring home free gifts.

Last but not least, don’t let your child go hungry this summer-Palo Verde Unified School District is sponsoring free lunch at Ruth Brown Elementary School, for anyone 18 years old and under, Monday through Thursday, June 5 through July 27 from 12 to 1 p.m. So if you’re not home and worrying about how your child will eat or if you don’t have much and worry about what your child can eat, try getting a family friend to get them to the school for a free

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