Persuasive Essay On Desalination

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The process of removing salts from the water is known as desalination (or desalinization or desalting). The major reason for the use of desalination is produce potable water for the population. 19 However, in the oils and gases industries are increasing the interest for desalination technologies.19 Desalination is an old process for obtain potable water, but was used evaporation and distillation.19 Today the desalination technologies are reverse osmosis (RO) and electrodialysis (ED).19
Presently, in the USA the California state is starting suffer with water crises. Therefore, the state started planning many desalination plants. There are three current desalination station, and the government is planning more fifteen. Figure 9 shows the desalinations plants in the California state. There are many critics about the desalinization plants.20 Arguments use against the plants are which use huge amounts of energy, and is very danger for the marine life.20 Desalinated water construction costs approximately $2,000 an acre foot.20 In addition, to produce one gallon of drinking water need two gallons of seawater.20 This process consumes about 38 megawatts to remove 100 million gallons of seawater per day.20 …show more content…

Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination plant use reverse osmosis to produced potable water. According to the company responsible for the system, the station withdraws more than 44 million gallons per day (mgd) of seawater, and divided into potable water and concentrated seawater.21 Figure 10 displays the process of the desalination. When the water is withdrawal has a traditional system to remove the impurities in the water.21 The traditional systems is coagulation, flocculation, chemicals, and sand filtrarion.21 After this is used a process called diatomaceous.21 Diatomaceous is a kind of filter which remove silt and fine

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