Persuasive Essay On Common Core

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Common Core is now state law in Maryland. Until Maryland decides to opt out of Common Core, we have to attack it the best way we can. I fear, however, that a nationalized set of standards diminishes local control of our education process and limits the creative teaching process.

My fundamental belief is that education is best administered at the local level to give the best results for our school district.

We do not have to like Common Core (and there are many portions of Common Core that I personally oppose), but while it is being implemented in Washington County, we must ensure that our teachers have the resources necessary for implementation readily at their disposal. We must also discern facts from fiction and be ready to challenge all assumptions.

I am adamant in my position that …show more content…

Common Core calls upon teachers to plan systematically to ensure that skills development is embedded throughout the curriculum.
Common Core calls upon teachers to make conscious decisions about what to focus on in each lesson. Teachers can design lesson plans that address a particular academic need of their students rather than relying on textbooks and scripted, pre-packaged lessons.
Common Core calls on schools to recognize and promote vertical and horizontal growth.
We want our teachers to be flexible in teaching, using their personal and creative teaching styles, and we certainly want to ensure that all students, no matter where they live or how many times they may need to move, are prepared for success in the workforce and postsecondary education.
We must provide our teachers with adequate time and training to implement the Common Core Standards, and it’s important that our teachers and administrators emphasize and promote the concept that every student is uncommon from every other

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