Persuasive Essay On Claw Machines

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If you haven’t tried a claw machine before, then good for you, if you haven't, then you probably know how it seems impossible to actually get anything from it. Either the machine’s claw seems like it doesn't have enough power to grab even a feather, or when it actually does manage to pick something up, by the time it almost reaches the toy chute, it tricks you into thinking you almost got it and drops the toy just a few centimeters short. Last summer, a friend and I were at an arcade, and there was a claw machine filled with plush toys. So my friend goes and inserts a few quarters and the machine starts up. He was able to maneuver the claw and grab a toy, but after it started pulling the plush toy up and towards the toy chute, it dropped about halfway there. So then we both tried a few times, but the same thing happened with the claw being able to grab the toy but dropping it on its way there. The fact that the same thing happened each time, really made it seem that the machine was rigged. …show more content…

According to an article by Vox, “The machine's owner can fine-tune the strength of the claw beforehand so that it only has a strong grip a fraction of the time that people play.” So that means that claw machines are pretty much a game completely based on luck, rather than skill. The owner of the machine can purposely make it that you could never win a prize from a claw machine, pretty much making it sort of like gambling. In fact, claw machines were classified as gambling devices in 1951, but a few years later laws were relaxed leading to an increase in popularity with claw machines. After surveying some people about whether they think claw machines are rigged against you, or require skill, about 80% of people said that claw machines were rigged. So if most people think that claw machines are rigged, why do people still play claw

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