Persuasive Essay On Chronic Homeless

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Everyone deserves a place to stay and feel safe because a home is essential factor to our existence. However, not every person gets to have a home. In American today more 60 percent of people depend on government assistants per the 2013 index of dependency of the government report. Per our presentation in class over 600,000 people on a given night are left without a home and a quarter of that are people under 18. 15% of the homeless population, are considered “chronically homeless.” Chronic homelessness is defined as an individual who has a disability and has experienced homelessness for a year or longer, or an individual who has a disability and has experienced at least four episodes of homelessness in the last three years (must be a cumulative …show more content…

This can be achieved through job placement for those who are qualified. For those without any vocational skills training can be offered to them to help lead to jobs based on their fields of interest. This would ensure that person becomes financially independent which will help them succeed so they can move out of transition housing and live on their own. it important for them to be rehabilitated or treated for a healthy lifestyle. This is important if they are to lead a productive lifestyle and can meet their social responsibilities, a success story on how the opposite approach of transition housing helps comes from a npr podcast from 2009 that I fund interesting is about a man named Richard Corbett who was homeless who found help through the transition housing. he had issues with drink and he quotes that most homeless people drink just because they know their pediment and want to fall asleep instead of being in that realty. and the idea of a new treatment philosophy called "Housing First created Staff at Pathways to Housing in Washington, D.C. where they find them a permanent place to live first. It doesn't matter if the homeless person is still drinking or using drugs. because they believe that having a home is considered

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