Persuasive Essay On Choosing A Major

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Choosing the Best
When it comes to embark on the road to begin studies in higher education, it is important to choose an academic program or a 'major ' as are popularly known, to have sufficient grounds to make decisions that allow to meet the expectations and achieve goals outlined in the plan of life. In Choosing Your College Major: How to Chart Your Ideal Path, by Dr. Randall S. Hansen states that “Choosing a major, thinking about a career, and getting an education -- these are the things college is all about.” Choosing a major can be hard and stressful because a lot people consider it as one of the most important decisions of life, but it does not have to be a stressful experience. According to the National Research Center for College and University Admissions, more than the half of students change their majors. But to prevent this from happening compare and contrast the top major choices can be a helpful tool that make easier choosing the best major.
Every major has the specific requirements, knowledge, abilities, skills, and personal values needed to perform any job. For example, International Business and Business Administration majors can look the same major but they are not, they can have something in common like the degree level offered and a couple of skills. Even …show more content…

According to the website Ferguson 's Career Guidance Center, salary levels for business vary substantially, depending upon the level of responsibility, length of service, and type, size, and location of the organization. The majors in business are highly paid. Salaries in these majors are very similar, for example according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ the median annual salary of an International Finance Manager is $109,740. This job title is develop with an International Business major. Likewise the Sales Manager median annual salary is $105,260 this job title is pursued with a Business Administration

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