Persuasive Essay On Being A Babysitter

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As a child, I loved being babysat. Hanging out with older kids and having some independence from my parents for a few hours was a blast for me. I always knew that I would want to babysit when the time came, but I was always skeptical as to why it was considered a job, because it seemed easy to me. When I was around 8 or 9, I had two main babysitters. Babysitter A put on a movie for us and texted her friends on her phone. Babysitter B played games with us and made us fun dinners. Whenever my mom asked me which babysitter I wanted I always asked for Babysitter B. From that experience of always choosing one girl over the other I learned that being a babysitter is not as easy as it seems. I started babysitting when I was 13 years old. I started …show more content…

Just letting them know that everything is okay will make them very happy. Now it is time for bedtime. If the kids are older, they will normally know their bedtime routine and guide you through it. If they are younger, the parents will tell you exactly what to do. You want to be a fun babysitter, but when it comes to bedtime there is no playing around. “Five more minutes” never means five minutes. With this stage you can not worry about if the kid will like you or not. You just have to be firm and tell them exactly what you have to do. There is no need to yell, just have a strong voice and be consistent in what you are asking for. If you hear them yelling your name, do not immediately go in unless there is an emergency. Going in will risk making them more awake. After the yelling stops, quietly check in on them to make sure everything is alright. At this point, you are free to play on your phone, do homework, or watch …show more content…

This is the perfect amount of time to take a walk around the house and make sure everything is clean. Make sure the couch pillows are in order and that the kitchen counter does not have too many crumbs on it. A clean house never goes unnoticed by the parents. Once everything is clean give yourself a pat on the back because you did a great job. When the parents get home they will pay you. Make sure you have previously discussed your pay so that they already know how much money to give you. If you have not, and they ask how much you charge, it is important for you to know how much your services are worth. Somewhere between $7-10 an hour is appropriate. After this, you are done! Go home and enjoy the rest of your evening. Babysitting is an amazing experience for teenagers who want some responsibilities. It can be difficult, but with some time you will increase your problem solving skills and become a great babysitter. Make sure not to get discouraged if you do not immediately get called back. It usually takes some time before the parents decide if they want to hire you again. As long as you follow these rules, you will definitely be on the right track to being the best babysitter

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