Persuasive Essay On Animal Testing

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If there is a way to ensure human and animal safety when testing new products, then why aren’t we doing it? Animal testing is still continuing on today when there are other ways to test new products that give us a more accurate result and don’t involve harming anyone. We can save money and animals by using donated human cells to give us the better result. Animals and humans are not completely alike and when we test products on animals it does not guarantee a safe product. When we use this method of testing we are putting ourselves and animals in danger. Animal testing is very cruel. They don’t have a say in what happens to them and it can cause permanent damage. For example, think of a beagle. It was found that about 70,000 beagles are used in research because they are friendly and forgiving. In her article, Kim Bellware is using a beagle, Casper, as an example. “A lifetime spent in a testing lab had left its mark. Casper’s teeth were in bad shape, and TV, music and loud noises really freaked him out” (Adorable Beagles). Casper had no say in what happened to him in those labs. Most of the time, the beagles had their vocal cords cut out so …show more content…

This form of testing does not include animals, but humans. We can donate our cells that over time, grow and give scientists the better form of testing. In an article written by Barnaby J. Feder he states, “ Human skin, eyes, the lining of the throat- snippets of these and other tissues are now routinely grown in test tubes from donated human cells. The goal is not to patch up ailing people but to use the human tissues in place of mice, dogs, or other lab animals for testing new drugs, cosmetics and other products” (Saving the Animals). If we switch to this form of testing we will be saving the animals and getting more definite results. Unlike animals, humans have a say in what happens to them which is why the cells are donated. We are not

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