Persuasive Essay On Animal Shelters

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You wouldn’t believe me when I tell you how many innocent animals are killed each year in

shelters. And wanna know the best reason for why these lives are disposed of, because they are

not adopted by an owner. Sickening, isn’t it? 2.7 million, yes million, dogs and cats are executed

a year. Instead of receiving a future, their lives end in the hands of the shelters we think keep

neglected or sick animals safe. A solution exists to fix this problem, if we wish to invest. The meaning of shelter is to protect, not to kill. Many people petition for “no kill shelters” in

America. No kill shelters would live up to the name of protecting, not disposing of animals like

mere trash. The government could invest in more …show more content…

If we

communicate with the world about this problem, it can work! People need educational lessons

about neutering younger generations of animals, and how to know if they actually need/want a

pet. We, the people, can spread and share stories of heart breaking stories of animals. This can

trigger us to feel sympathetic toward these animals….Maybe people would be so soft hearted for

certain stories they adopt the animal! Did you know in some shelters, they kill them in the most inhumane ways possible? Gas

chambers, into which animals are thrown via catchpole, young, old, small and large, all at once.

This method creates unimaginable suffering for animals. Distressed screams, cries,

whimpers....of animals being suffocated are heard from within the walls of these chambers.

Often, these barbaric methods of euthanization break down, or function properly. This means,

the procedure will have to be repeated, causing even more suffering and terror for the animal.

The heart stick method of killing causes a plodding and agonizing death as organs shut down.

Just to top the cherry, this method takes 30

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