Persuasive Essay On Animal Farm

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Humans have been organizing themselves into groups since the beginning of time. This keeps civilizations flourishing, cultures alive, and people safe and happy. People listen to the government to reap the benefits of its rule, however blind acceptance of all that the government says leads to an abuse of power. The animal’s unequivocal devotion to the state in George Orwell’s Animal Farm warns humans of negative repercussions that arise from trusting the government too much and the impact it has on daily life. Many empty promises came with the rebellion. This reform of ideals promised more food, so when more food turns up the animals feel jovial. Unfortunately, this moment is short lived. The pigs take the food and do not share it with any
The animals believe that the pigs have their best interests in mind, simply because they are the smartest. As utopian as this view is, it is not the case. When it comes to decision making Squealer explains to them that Napoleon would be “only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?” (Orwell 55). When the animals put their faith into this single phrase, their right to a say in the government is gone. The naive animals believe Squealer. This belief inhibits them from taking decisions into their own hands. They are always reliant on Napoleon, even when his decisions don’t benefit them. The animals are more laborious than ever under Napoleon’s rule. Yet, they don’t receive any more food, or sleep than before. To keep the animals in line, Squealer tells them of the “lists of figures proving that the production of every class of foodstuff had increased…” (Orwell 92). Although the animals are told this, nothing in their daily lives affirm this. The animals believe the pigs because of their authority. These false statistics give them an erroneous view on how well the rebellion reformed the

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